Research Ethics Code of Korean Association of Slavic Languages

 Chapter 1. General Rules

Article 1 (Significance)

It is purposed for the given code to suggest basic principles and directions needed for secure of ethics and honesty regarding research of Korean Association of Slavic Languages.

Article 2 (Subject and Range of Application)

The given code applies to the members, the businesses and the people concerned of the given business.

 Chapter 2. Ethics of the Researchers

Article 3 (Responsibilities of the authors)

1) Authors do not propose portions of the researches or opinions that they did not conduct as their results or opinions in the papers or writings. It is available for them to refer to research results of others many times in addition to clear statements of the sources, but it is considered plagiarism if they suggest the portions as the results or opinions of their researches.

2) Authors must take responsibilities of researches actually performed or contributed by themselves and the researches will be recognized as the authors' own achievements.

3) The authors (translators) or the orders of the authors involve the papers or other publishing achievements must be reflected precisely depending on how much they have contributed to the researches without reference to their social positions. It is not justified for them to become authors or be recognized as the primary authors whichever positions they hold. On the other hands, it is not justified either for them not to be recorded as co-authors or co-researchers even though they have contributed to the researches or writings (translations). Minor contributions regarding researches or writings (translations) are appreciated properly on footnotes, preface and others.

4) Authors do not publish (submit) or attempt to publish results of the previously published researches of their own as the results of their new researches regardless of domestic or international areas. In case the previously published researches are used to be published, it must be verified if it is relevant to insertion of duplication or duplicated publication by the editors of the academic journal after providing the information of the previous publication.

5) It is responsible for them to delineate precisely with efforts and reveal the sources clearly unless it is information included in common sense in case of academic quotation revealed. In case of evaluations of the papers or research plans, or data given through individual contacts, it is responsible for them to quote after receiving agreements from the researchers who have provided the data.

6) In case they quote phrases of others, or borrow or refer to the ideas of others, it is responsible for them to reveal whether they quote or refer through footnotes definitely, and it is also responsible for them to have the readers understand what the range of the advanced research's results is and the range of their exclusive ideas, opinions or translations by indicating these marks.

Article 4 (Responsibilities of the Editors)

1) Editing committee or members of editing committee are empowered to exam and determine every issue regarding edition of the academic journals, publication and the examinations of the papers.

2) The editing committee must deal with the papers submitted for the publications of the academic journals equally based on qualitative levels and submission regulation only, irrelevant to sex, age, institution in addition to personal relationships of the authors.

3) The editing committee or the members must not publish the information of the authors or the contents of the papers other than evaluators until the decision of the publications of the papers submitted.

4) It is suggested that they have to revise the errors and report them to the institutions in case of the publications with the obvious errors or distorted results.

5) Publications of the papers will be withdrawn if dislocated acts of the codes of ethics are found in the papers.

Article 5 (Responsibilities of the Evaluators)

1) Evaluators must conduct evaluations of the papers sincerely and equally requested by the editing committee or the members of the academic journals, complete the evaluations within the designated periods, not delay them without clear reasons.

2) Contents about the evaluations procedures and the papers of subject must be confidential, and the information ownership of the persons who submit the papers must be respected.

3) Evaluators have rights to withdraw the evaluations in case the evaluation procedure is not fair or it is doubted for the honesty of the procedure.

4) They must report the issues to the editing committee or the members if it is found that the subjects of evaluations are published in other academic journals, duplicated evaluations are conducted or strange matters are revealed.

 Chapter 3. Guidelines of Codes of Ethics

Article 6 (Agreement of Codes of Ethics)

They must agree to follow the codes of ethics after understanding them in order to join the society. It is regarded that the existing members impawn to follow the codes of ethics at the point of conducting codes of ethics.

Article 7 (Violations Reports of Codes of Ethics)

Members must strive for revision of the problems with reporting the codes of ethics to the particular members in case they recognize the issues of codes of ethics done by other members. However, they may report the issues to the committee of ethics of the society in case the problems are not resolved or obvious violations are revealed. Committee of ethics must not go public with the identities of the members who reported the problems to external parties.

Article 8 (Composition of Committee of Ethics)

Committee of ethics must be composed of more than 5 members, and appoint them followed by the procedure of recommendations of the chairman and approvals of the board of directors. The chairperson must be elected by the committee.

Article 9 (Responsibilities of the Committee of Ethics)

Committee of ethics must conduct investigations widely through informants, examinee, witness, testifier about the issues reported on violations of codes of ethics and evidences and suggest proper disciplinary actions to the chairman in case the violations of codes of ethics come true.

Article 10 (Investigations and Deliberations of Committee of Ethics)

Members who are reported for violations of codes of ethics must cooperate for the investigations performed by the committee of ethics. In case they do not cooperate for the investigations, it is considered that the act is a violation of codes of ethics.

Article 11 (Opportunity Calling and Security of Secret of the Investigation Subject)

They must give proper opportunity callings to the members who are reported for violations of codes of ethics, and their identities of the concerned members must not be published to external parties by the members of the committee of ethics until the final disciplinary actions about the violations of codes of ethics come up.

Article 12 (Procedure and Contents of Disciplinary Actions)

In case they have disciplinary proposals of committee of ethics, the chairman must call committee and determine whether disciplinary actions are performed or not, and contents eventually. They are empowered to take disciplinary actions such as withdrawal of publications of the papers, notice, conduct of suspensions of qualifications on the members determined for violations of codes of ethics, and go public to other institutions or individuals of this issue.

 Supplementary Provision

Article 1

Modifications of codes of ethics must follow the procedure of amendment of the society, and conduct based on the determinations performed by the committee of ethics in case of items not specified on the codes of ethics.